Why Most Children Don’t Tell…



Here are some of the Reasons Why Most Children Don’t Tell Anyone They are Being or Have Been Sexually Abused…

Fear (Being threatened & manipulated)

Love and/or Know the person abusing them (Don’t want that “loved one” to get into trouble / Want the acceptance & approval of that “loved one)

Shame / Embarrassment (Don’t want anyone to know)

Blame Themselves (Believes it has to be their fault somehow)


Lack of Understanding

Confusion (Mixture of confusing thoughts & feelings)

Told this happened because they are special

Told they were just playing a game

Have been taught to Respect Adults/Authority Figures (Believe they should never question adults / authority figures)

Thinks/Feels like everyone knows (That people can tell just from looking at them)

Don’t want to upset a loved one (Non-Abuser)

To Protect a loved one or pet from abuse or harm (Mom, Brother, Sister, Dog, etc… / “If you tell, I will hurt ________” / Child thinking that if they let this happen to them & not tell, then maybe this won’t happen to their brother or sister)

Don’t Think Anyone will believe them (That’s what they are being told)

Fear of what a Loved One might do to the Abuser

Private Matter that should not be talked about

Maybe its Normal and happens to all children

Knows it’s not normal and feels very alone in the world (this can’t possibly be happening to anyone else)

They told someone once & was either not believed and/or not protected



Please feel free to share additional reasons why a child will more often than not stay silent.

Understanding why is so important and also stresses the importance of talking to your child about this very sensitive topic. You need to ensure the communication line is open between you and your child on this specific topic. They need to feel safe to tell. They need to know that you will believe them.

~Susan Suafoa-Dinino, President/Founder, SpeakingOut against Child Sexual Abuse, Inc.

Never Assume…

Never assume that if your child is being or has been sexually violated that they will tell you.

In addition to the many reasons the child may not tell (more on this coming soon), sexual predators know how to silence children. And as a Parent, your understanding of this horrific crime is imperative for your child’s safety.

Talk to your child. Open up the communication line on this topic. Children need to know that they can come to you no matter what and no matter who either attempted to and or actually violated them. Have the conversation…for your child’s sake.

~Susan Suafoa-Dinino, President/Founder, SpeakingOut against Child Sexual Abuse, Inc.